
Job Confab Dissects Careers in Business For Students Tonight

Three business experts will discuss the outlook for future job-hunters tonight when the Placement Office offers the fourth in its series of career parleys at 7:45 o'clock in Lowell dining hall.

The program will attack business career problems from three angles with speakers outlining the general job situation today, the values of business administration schools, and offering their answers to the question of how to land a job.

Opening the meeting, to be chaired by vice-President Reynolds, will be Nicholas Peterson, vice-president of the First National Bank of Boston, who has been compiling and discussing business statistics for leading publications. Others who will address the conference are T. H. Sanders, professor of Accounting at the School of Business Administration, and Alva F. Kindall, personnel manager of Filene's.

"A large percentage of undergraduates will be entering business." Richard H. Andrews '41 of the Placement Office says, "and we've tried to solcot speakers who can best answer all the practical questions these students have."
