
Friedrich Gets AMG Job in Europe

Professor Will Leave in April

Carl J. Friedrich, professor of government, will depart for Germany in a month to become advisor on governmental affairs to General Lucius D. Clay, Commander-in-Chief of American forces in Europe.

Newly appointed to the post, he will leave Cambridge in April with the blessings of the University, which has granted him a leave of absence until his return early next summer.

Professor Friedrich, who has been working with the Herter Committee on Foreign Affairs in Washington, will aid General Clay in governmental problems facing the American zone of Germany. These are likely to be questions about implementation of the Marshall Plan, transfer of the American zone to civilian control on July 1, and the French zone merger, according to Professor Friedrich.

He sees the biggest task facing him as "the continued democratization of Germany in the face of fear, hunger, and pressure from a totalitarian power."

Yesterday's Communist coup in Czechoslovakia will have little affect on American policy in the Reich, Professor Friedrich believes, since the Russians already dominate one-third of Germany. "This development will mean merely an extension of the Communist border," he said.


What qualified Professor Friedrich for the job in the eyes of authorities were his German background, his previous service as special advisor in 1946-47 on problems of American Military Government, and his experience as director of the School for Overseas Administration here during the war.

Much of Professor Friedrich's experience and knowledge of U.S. administration of Germany will find expression in a publication soon to be released: "American Experience in Military Government.

Soon to appear is another work by Professor Friedrich. The book, "Inevitable Peace," which traces the history of the western notion of inevitable peace, will come out March 8.

Since Professor Friedrich will leave the University before the term's end. Louis Hartz, instructor in Government, will complete the courses being given at the present by him.

Only the "persistent request" for Professor Friedrich's assistance by General Clay led him to accept the appointment. Anxious to do "everything I can to make peace possible," he believes, "This will help."
