Intra-University relief drives, athletics, and student problems will come under the control of a new six-school Joint Student Association, which moves into operation this month, the Student Council announced last night.
Designed to assume, eventually, many functions, of individual school councils, the Association will at first concentrate on drafting a constitution, obtaining University recognition, and setting up financial arrangements.
Burke Recommended
Edward F. Burke '50 was recommended to be Student Council delegate to the new group yesterday by President Edric A. Weld, Jr. '46. The Council will act on his recommendation Tuesday. Meanwhile, the Law, Business, Arts and Sciences, Divinity, and Engineering Schools are also selecting representatives.
An organizational meeting Wednesday elected George R. Plagenz 2D as temporarry secretary. Permanent officers will be chosen Tuesday, March 9, and monthly meetings will follow.
Planned for the immediate future is an intra-University information service publicizing various dances and lectures taking place in remote corners of President Conant's domain.
Other Entries Expected
Founders of the Association hope that by June, the Schools of Design, Education, and Public Administration will be participating, and that by next fall, the group will distribute a guide to forums, libraries, and other facilities that each school offers to the University.
Two meetings of the yet-unnamed conference took place previous to the Wednesday conclave, both of these at the invitation of the Student Council. Weld has chaired two of the three preparatory meetings.
The Association will not include the Medical and Dental Schools, which He outside the University's Cambridge community.
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