
Yardling, Jayvee Fives Notch Easy Victories

Two easy ends fell to the freshman and jayvee quintets yesterday, with the Yearlings taking their second victory from Exeter, 58 to 42, and the Jayvees knocking off a facilo if unimpressive 55 to 45 triumph over Suffolk University.

Coach Moe Berg's Freshmen, recuperating from a wild bus ride into the hills of New Hampshire, were not in top form. They were good enough, however, to pile up a long 25 to 12 lead in the first half, and held it with the reserves during the last canto.

Exeter Shots Off

Exeter couldn't hit the ring. The prep-school's frequent but wild shots were hooked off the backboard by the taller Crimson quintet and racked into the winning total from every corner of the court. Ed Smith accounted for 25 points personally.

Leading 35 to 18 at the half, the jayvees, emptied the bench during the last half using all their reserves. Height was again a Crimson forte and, with the backboards monopolized, Suffolk was forced to plunk from deep court.
