
New Music Course

The Mail

February 12. 1948.

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

I want to thank you for the "orchids" which the CRIMSON: handed the Music Department in an editorial this morning.

Your criticism of the Department in regard to theory for non-concentrators is well taken. The Department has been very much aware for some time of its "Achilles' heel" in this respect. To remedy this situation we have planned to offer, as an experiment, a course in the Summer Term to be called the Materials of Music, to be given by Assistant Professor Richard French. This course in theory will be a counterpart of Music 1, the well-known course in the history and literature of Music. If the experiment is a success, we eventually hope to offer the course permanently, if not next year.

Thank you for your vigilance.   A. Tillman Merritt.   Chairman.
