
Three Minute Ski Pants Just The Thing, Says Ladies' Mag

Chances are you'll never glimpse a boiled shirt on local ski slopes, but 3-minute sweatpants, dunked in a pot of wax and knife-edged beneath a mattress, may double as ski pants for the well-dressed fan of the near future.

The newest sartorial hint on ski garb comes from the sports pages of a national womens' magazine, which tells the saga of Mrs. X., a homebody who whips up her own ski clothes. Mrs. X. combs department store counters for bolts of bizarrely-colored and woven fabrics, waterproofs them by browing them in a potion of wax, and tailors her trousers to size.

Last week a Radcliffe maiden was reported molding her own duds with a mixture of mucilage, paraflin and bluefish scales.
