
Snotrain, Snobus Rescue Penniless But Eager Skiers

If you don't have a car, it costs quite a chunk of change to get to the ski country. If you do have a car, chances are, you might find yourself stranded along about midnight somewhere in the New Hampshire wilderness. So with an eye to the pocketbook and comfort of the ski enthusiast, the Boston and Maine Railroad has invented the Snotrain, and the Inter-Collegiate Outing Clubs Association, the Snobus.

Reached last night in his North Station lair, a minor mogul of the B.&M. admitted he didn't know how long Snotrains have been running;"I couldn't even give you a judicious estimate. But let me toll you one thing, they're all equipped with luxurious modern air conditioned cars, and it only costs $3.25 round trip to North Conway."

Snobue Ran Sunday

Outing Club officials knew precisely when the first Snobus ran, it was last Sunday. A party of College and Radcliffe skiers sampled the slopes of Temple Mountain on a one day sojurn, and so laid the groundwork for the first weekend trip of February 14.

As an added inducement, the Snobuses are run on a cost basis, and everyone regardless of membership is welcome to use the HOC's new facilities.
