
Shapley Says 'No' to PCA's Governor Bid

Third party delegates will have to look beyond the College Observatory for a Massachusetts gubernatorial candidate. Harlow Shapley, Paine Professor of Practical Astronomy and director of the Observatory, yesterday turned down and offer by the State Progressive Citizens of America that he run for governor on the Wallace ticket.

"This generous offer is appreciated," Professor Shapley said, "but of course I could not consider anything of the sort." The leading astronomer, who is honorary chairman of the Massachusetts PCA, added that such a candidacy would "obstruct whatever effectiveness I may have in promoting civil liberties and progressive legislation."

Not a Nomination

A demonstration, characterized as "spontaneous" by PCA headquarters in Boston, led to a resolution at the organization's Sunday convention backing the scientist for governor. The action did not have the effect of a nomination, a PCA spokesman explained, since the meeting was not a third party convention.

Sunday's demonstration arose during a report on the activities of the Arts and Sciences section of the PCA, of which Professor Shapley is chairman. The astronomer had spoken at an earlier session of the convention.
