
Strong R.I. Team Faces Trackmen In Today's Relays

One event clouds Crimson hopes in today's relay meet with Rhode island State for in the two-mile relay Rhode Island's squad looks just too powerful to be edged out by the trackmen.

Star of the State milers is "Spider" Black, last year's winner of the National Collegiate cross country championship and the AAU cross country championship.

The varsity two-mile squad's hopes are further lowered by the ineligibility of Joe Rose, who was counted on to hold up one of the positions. Arden Aides will run in Rosen's place.

Undismaped by reports of the speed of the Rhode Island State runners, Coach Mikkola said last night that the Crimson varsity mile foursome has an excellent chance to win today.

Coach Mikkola stated that in the freshman meet, both the Crimson mile and two-mile teams definitely have shown the strength necessary to take their events.
