
Owl's Fate Big Issue in '52 Smoker Campaign Publicity

Harvard's owl has become a major issue as election campaign for Freshman Smoker committee posts reach their peak. Many speeches for and against the bestfed resident of the Yard are promised for tonight, when a campaign meeting starts in the Union at 7 p.m.

The jazz group that gave a concert in Lowell House last Sunday with open tonight's meeting with a half-hour session. After the showing of "The 39 Steps," an Alfred Hitchcock movie, all 42 candidates for the Smoker committee will be introduced. Stunts and speeches for the nominees will finish out the evening.

Owl Goes Uncaptured

Many attempts have already been made to capture the owl, so that it could be claimed as a partisan by a candidate. Roger Hunt and Lansing Lamont, both '52, tried to climb the bird's favorite pine tree, but could not get high enough. A demonstration for John Morey featured James Dietz dressed as the police-protected bird. A Goldstein circular asked and answered questions on the owl issue.

The election will be held Tuesday for Yard residents, and Monday and Tuesday for the Dudley commuters. The freshman affairs committee of the Student Council has charge of the election.


Since the Dean's Office believes too many freshmen's eyes popped during last year's campaigning, a committee of freshmen has been formed to rule on practices. Chairman Charles Cabot, Benjamin McDonald, and Charles Peterson must judge all posters and stunts. No "overt sex" is allowed.
