
Dormitories Fete Children From Settlement Houses

Cabot and Whitman Halls will lead off Christmas parties for settlement house children at 3 p.m. tomorrow when 30 third-graders from the Elizabeth Peabody House take over the Cabot living room.

Kids will be feted in regular Christmas spirit, complete with refreshments, games presents, and entertainment provided by dormitory residents. Right now the main problem is whether to provide a female Santa Claus, or just to ignore the Santa Claus, or just to ignore the Santa Class tradition gracefully.

House committees and community Service representatives in the various dormitories and houses will handle arrangements for the parties under the supervision of Betty Heaton '51, chairman of Radcliffe's Community Service organization.

The picture (above) shows Miss Heaton and Marilyn Coverly '52 giving a sample of next week's parties to children at the Margaret Fuller House, 71 Cherry st.

Barnard Hall will hold forth on Sunday from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. for 15 to 20 children in the five and six-year-old age group. The Edmands House party is also planned for Sunday, with 15 seven-year-old girls from Norfolk House anticipated for the event.


On Monday's social calendar are children's parties at Bertram Hall, Everett House, and 20 Walker st. Everett and Bertram have both decided to keep house yuletide parties the traditionally all-feminine event, Everett asking for two hour's worth of girls in the seven-year age bracket and Bertram inviting 20 girls of the same age through the assistance of the Cambridge Family Society. 20 Walker's seven-year-olds will come from the Margaret Fuller House in Cambridge.
