Thirteen Radcliffe Dolphin Club members will swim to the beat of a tango rhythm at a water-ballot symposium in the Wellesley pool Saturday at 2 p.m. Swimmers from Wellesley, Smith, Wheaton, and Massachusetts University will also participate.
Each group will perform two or three original Water routines. Besides the tango act, Ann Clark '49, president of the Dolphins, and Christine Bosshard '51 will do a waltz duet. Part of the act will consist of waltz duet. Part of the act will consist of shadow swimming: one girl doing a back stroke on the surface while the other cuts underwater with a reverse stroke.
After the show the girls will held a discussion of now ideas in water ballet. Some of the swimmers will then perform individual skills to illustrate the advanced ballet techniques.
A ten for swimmers and their friends will wind up the afternoon.
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