
Schlesinger Calls Lend-Lease Necessary for ERP Nations

Professor Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. '38 urged immediate resumption of lendlease and direct military aid to western Europe Tuesday night at the Clarendon st. YWCA.

Speaking at a "Food for Peace" Conference sponsored by the Joint Council for International Cooperation and the Boston CARE Committee, Schlesinger advocated immediate military assistance for the western union as a supplement to the European Recovery Plan.

Calls ERP Successful

He said that ERP has already resulted in more stable economies in member nations and a stiffening of resistance to the totalitarianism of both the right and the left.

Schlesinger stressed military aid as absolutely essential to save Europe politically as well as economically. Such aid, he said, must come from the United States, for appropriation of the necessary funds from the ECA budget would weaken the total effectiveness of the program.
