
Council Sets Up Account For Social Service Group


Radcliffe Student Council yesterday opened a $100 checking account in a Square bank in response to a plea from Betty K. Heaton '51, chairman of the Annex Community Service committee, for permanent funds for the college's only social service group.

At the same time, Council authorized part-time use of the Student Government office in Longfellow Hall as committee headquarters.

Yesterday's action came after Miss Heaton pointed out to Council that the committee has never had a permanent, year-to-year continuity. "I think every chairman for the past years has had to spend her first four months in office learning the basic working rules of the committee. They should really be known when she goes into office," she said.

Half for Materials

Part of the new fund will go into stationery, filing cards, and other materials for committee paperwork. Miss Heaton and her assistants plan to compile a cross-indexed filo of every student who has worked in social service or is interested in doing so.


The rest will be left as a backlog for future committee expenditures. Increased continuity, Miss Heaton says, may boost Radcliffe's low standing among Boston volunteer service agencies, which now slight the Annex because of difficulty in getting hold of the girls.
