
Big Vote Names Eight for Smoker

Reeb Says '52 Gains Unity by Campaign

Final election results for the Freshman Smoker Committee were announced last night by George I. Harris '50, chairman of the Student Council's Freshman Affairs Committee.

Members of the group elected Tuesday and Wednesday in heavy balloting include: Richard Matz Edelman of Brooklyn and Grays Hall; Archibald Holmes Fetherolf of Worcester and Thayer Hall; Gim Pon Fong of Newton; Edmond Joseph Gong of Miami, Florida, and Thayer Hall; Roger Browne Hunt of North Bennington, Vermont, and Stoughton Hall; Lansing Lamont of New York City and Stoughton Hall; John Gardner Morey II of Terre Haute, Indiana, and Mower Hall, and Allen Thompson of Matthews Hall and Larchmont, N. Y.

76 Percent Vote

Over 76 percent of the Class voted, the biggest election turnout of the year. F. William Reeb 3L, secretary of the Union, added that the entire campaign in his opinion was a great success. The whole freshman class has been unified by the week of intensive electioneering, he stated.

Harris announced last night that the new committee's first meeting will be at 2 p.m. Friday in Adams D-31.
