
'50 Puts Eight on Class Committee

Final results of the Junior Class Committee elections were announced last night by Amory Houghton, Jr. '50, chairman of the Student Council's Class Affairs Committee.

The Committee, which is organized under the Paul Report on Class Affairs, will include: David Maxwell Abbot of Andover and Eliot House; Albert Bradley Carter, Jr. of Cambridge and Eliot House; Robert Claflin of Hewlett, New York, and Winthrop House; Daniel Gus Cronin of Cambridge; Charles Warren Detion of Clayton, Missouri, and Eliot House; Hugh Piesen Hermann of Brooklyn and Adams House; Richard Ward Kimball of Andover and Eliot House; and Johnathan Martin Spivak of Scarsdale, New York, and Leverett House.

The total percentage of juniors voting was 63.8 percent as compared with 66.6 percent in the Sophomore Class Committee election two weeks ago. Largest concentration of voting was in Adams House where 74.8 percent of those eligible cast ballets. Only 37 percent of Kirkland voted.
