
Sex, Shmoo, Dragon . . .

Union Secretary Bars '52 Smoker Stunts

A Balinese Room singer, a Shmoo, and a statue unveiling were banned from the Union by Yard cops last night on the orders of Union Secretary Frank W. Reeb.

These Freshman Smoker stunts were approved by the sub-committee on Smoker elections, but Reob said last night, "The crowds were so large I thought it would be better if the stunts were held outside."

Miss Betty Ann Grove, singer in the Balinese Room of the Hotel Somerset, came to sing at the Union for A. Holmes Fetheroff. Although she was turned away, Fetheroff said she "wasn't at all angry."

Gregg Makes Shmoo

The Shmoo was the creation of John Gregg and George Andrews. They believed they got a larger crowd by being outdoors, but said they were unable to give away all the Shmoo's products.


Lamont and Hunt slipped three girls inside the Union to hold posters. The girls were protected by Yard cops.

Al Thompson's brass band marched in a torchlight parade around the Yard, and then played in front of the Union.

The freshmen will ballot tomorrow, but the votes will not be counted until Wednesday night.
