
Navy Sinks Varsity Five, 45-33; Crimson Warms Up in Trial Meet

Harvard Looks Good In Weight Contests

Jaakko Mikkola's varsity track team went on a shakedown cruise in the Cage Saturday and the results of the practice meet with Northeastern and BU showed just about what everybody had expected.

First, the Crimson is still as strong as ever in the weights. After last year's Olympic finalist Sam Felton (now in the Busy School) had defeated Dank Dreyer of the New York AC and Dartmouth's track captain, Jim Burnham, in an exhibition 35-pound weight competition, his undergraduate sucessors proceeded to sweep the practice meet 35-pound weight event. And big Don Trible had no trouble winning the 16-pound shot, with a good early season toss of 46 feet, 81/2 inches.

Lockett Impresses

Second, it looks as though pole vaulter Bud Lockett may win a lot of points this winter. Operating with a taped-up leg, he easily hit 12 feet, 6 inches and just missed at 13.

Third, although his sprinters and long distance men did well, sweeping both the 45-yard dash and mile and a half run, Mikkola's middle distance runners spent most of the afternoon looking at the backs of their opponents.


No score was kept in the informal meet, but the varsity helped itself to more than its share of the melon, picking up five firsts to four for Northeastern and two for BU.

Lockett, Trimble, Bob Forsythe (weight), Jon Spivak (45-yard dash), and Joe Leeming (mile and a half) were the Harvard winners.
