
YPH Asks Broad Support for New Anti-Draft Group

A sweeping indictment of the draft, coupled with a call for a University-wide United Anti-Draft Committee, emerged from the first major policy meeting of the young Progressives of Harvard yesterday.

YPH, the organization which has grown out of the pre-election Committees for Wallace, called the draft "part of a growing movement towards war; not by the American people, but by corporate interests whose every cent is staked on preserving their hold on a rapidly changing world."

Rally Planned

Their immediate goal in the fight against the draft, according to YPH president Jerry Gordon, is to enlist the leaders of undergraduate and graduate organizations as active members of a United Anti-Draft Committee, and to collect as many signatures as possible on a petition to be sent to President Truman. A mass "stop-the-draft" rally will be held before the Christmas vacation, and a series of faculty-and-student debates are being planned.

Separate YPH Campaign


While uniting with other groups in the broad campaign to stop the machinery of the draft immediately and achieve ultimate repeal of the draft law, YPH will also pursue an independent educational campaign, Gordon stated. This campaign, he claimed, will reflect the Progressive attitude on the "Wall Street" and other aspects of militarization, and include an indictment of President Conant's recent plea for a ten-year military training plan.
