
Combined Charities Require $25,000

Contributors Can Choose Own Charity

The Combined Charities Drive for $25,000 opens today. During the next four days, solicitors will comb all entries in an effort to secure $10 from every Harvard undergraduate. The drive will be over Friday evening.

$4000 has already been collected from Freshmen who were solicited during Registration, James D. Cameron, Jr. '46, campaign chairman, announced yesterday. Members of the Class of '52 pledged an additional $6000. If canvassers can collect this entire amount, it will be one of the largest gifts to a charity drive that any class has ever contributed, Cameron explained.

Gifts Earmarked

For the first time, donors will be able to earmark their gifts for a specific charity. Last year, the Council ran a College-wide poll to determine various allotments, but in this week's campaign, the individual contributor will decide who gets how much. Eight charities are listed on the donor cards; any other one can be added except for religious charities. These, Cameron said, are not allowed because all donations represent. Harvard College as a whole.

Coupons books chargeable on term bills will be accepted as payment on all pledges, Cameron announced last night.


Formerly, charity campaigns were run by the Student Council. However, this year's drive is being directed by an independent committee which was organized last spring. Cameron is chairman, and other members of the group are Frank II. Coyne, Jr. '49, Frederick Deane '48, Christopher Holabird '48, and Thomas Hyde '49.

Only Drive This Year

Cameron explained last night that this drive will be the only charity campaign this year. The same pledge was made by the Council last year, but subsequently both the Christmas Seal Association and the World Student's Service Fund solicited the University for contributions. Both these organizations are included in the roster of charities benefiting from the Combined Charities Drive.

Council, PBH Benefit

In addition to various charities, the Student Council will receive 30 percent of the total, and Phillips Brooks House 20 percent. These two organizations are limited to $6000 and $4000 respectively.

The eight charities listed on the individual forms are: American Field' Service international Scholarships, American Cancer Society, Cambridge Tuberculosis Association, Foreign Student Relief, March of Dimes, Red Feather Drive, and the United Negro College Fund.
