
Reaction League Forms to Oppose Mobocracy, Reds

Reactionaries will soon have a chance to match the University's multitude of liberal groups.

A League for Reaction, opposed to Communists, the CIO, the AF of L, capital gains taxes, and additional antitrust laws, and for superiority of industry over labor, the reduction of taxes, a high tariff, ERP, aid to China, and property qualifications for voting, has been formed and will hold its first meeting within the next two weeks.

The group will not back any single political party, but will back conservatives and reactionaries regardless of their affiliations.

In line with its anti-communist plank, the League is opposed to isolationism, and favors vigorous international action against Communism.

Dohramann K. Pischel '51, founder of the group, explained its formation with the comment that "it has become increasingly imperative to counteract the radical mobocracy movement." Already 13 students have joined the group.
