Last-ditch campaigning against the War Memorial Committee's $75,000 plaque recommendation will reach a climax today when a pamphlet attacking the proposal goes out to 38,000 alumni of the College.
Daniel P. H. Paul '46, secretary of the Alumni Committee for a Memorial Activities Center, said last night that his group hoped to force postponement of final decision on the matter by distributing the brochure before the Associated Harvard Clubs meet next week in decide on a memorial.
Giobe Opposes Plaque
Paul added that "growing antagonism" to the plaque idea, as exemplified in a Boston Globe editorial last Saturday, might help swing the tide. The editorial stated that "present undergraduate students, so many of whose lives were in pawn" should have the strongest voice in a choice.
The, pamphlet, paid for by undergraduate organizations and interested alumni, has for its keynote a large-lettered "Does Harvard Want a War Memorial?" on the cover and continues inside to question "Or Only Part of a Memorial?"
"Tragically inadequate Gesture"
"Unless you speak now,' the text continues, Harvard will have a memorial constituting, "a tragically inadequate gesture." Pointing to the scope of memorials contemplated at Dartmouth and Yale, the circular states the case for an activities center and then concludes by pleading that "the gift be measured by the givers."
"We think Harvard alumni want and will support a significant tribute--Thus we propose, along with the Alumni Bulletin, that you as an alumnus be polled so that you may determine what is to be the Harvard World War H Memorial."
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