
Food Poisoning Knocks Out Over 1,000 House Residents

Food poisoning struck hundreds of House residents late Thursday night and yesterday morning, bringing intestinal trouble, nausea, and headaches to over a thousand students already plagued by hour exams.

The poisoning hit those who ate evening meals in Leverett, Eliot, Lowell, Winthrop, and Kirkland last night. Dining authorities have traced the trouble to one or more meals coming from the central kitchen at Kirkland House.

The trouble has so far mystified managers in the food department, and Hygiene department officials are conducting a series of tests in hopes of locating specific trouble. Special samples of the food are now being analyzed in the laboratory, and results will probably be known in two or three days.

Interrupts Hour Exams

Twenty men reported to the Hygiene Building yesterday for treatments, while others had to leave in the middle of hour exams. A poll by the Leverett House committee yesterday morning found that almost 90 percent of Leverett was suffering.


The only other large-scale incident of this kind occurred during the war at the Business School. At that time, food poisoning of 500 service men caused Army and Navy officials to wage a long investigation over the causes.
