
Health Experts Will Study PBH Blood Donation

Harvard's semi-annual blood donations at Phillips Brooks House will serve as a field of study for American Public Health Association members, who will survey proceedings Monday and Tuesday to learn Massachusetts methods, considered by the Association as among the most advanced in the world.

Members of the Association from all parts of the United States, as well as from Canada and Great Britain, will visit PBH as part of their national convention, which takes place next week in Boston. PBH's "advanced methods" are pictured above.

Still Lacking

Additional Harvard and Cambridge donations are needed in the drive, Frederick, M. Fialkow '51, chairman of the blood drive, announced last night. With only three days left before blood starts flowing, PBH is 75 pints shy of its 200-pint goal. Because of the special visit of the health experts, Cambridge residents have been invited to join in the donations.

The 'Cliffe also has a big share in the campaign, Fialkow has revealed, adding that "For the first time Radcliffe is a major part of our canvassing grounds this year."


Volunteers should call PBH offices from to 6 p.m.
