
Harriers in Good Shape For Heptagonals in N.Y.

Team Still Aiming for First Victory

Tomorrow's heptagonal cross-country meet in Van Cortland Park, New York, gives the Crimson its next to last chance for victory this season. An anticlimax after the Yale-Princeton debacle, this outing should find Jaakko Mikkola's harriers in their best shape this fall.

"They've been gradually improving all season," Mikkola asserted last night. His prediction should show up tomorrow morning.

Army, Yale, Princeton, Dartmouth, Navy Cornell, Pennsylvania, Columbia, and the College will all be scrambling over the five-mile course in the Bronx in hope of bettering their season's records.

Ambition for the Crimson squad-for which the number one spot is a foregone impossibility-is to avenge itself against one or more of the teams that have already handed it defeat this fall.

Dartmouth, Princeton and Yale fall under this classification. These three Ivy League squads have run Mikkola's team into the dirt on trails at Hanover and New Haven during the past three weeks.


Leaving today at 2 p.m. by train will be Mikkola, Manager Buck Edwards, Captain John Cogan, Joe Leeming, Dick white, Joe Rosen, Marvin Albee Mike Dawson, and Joe Carleton. They will spend the night in New York, and be on hand for the meet at 11:30 a.m. tomorrow morning.

Last year, the harriers finished eighth in the heptagonal meet.
