
Sunday Concerts Will Assist Fund

First concert of the Sunday evening Sanders Theatre series benefiting the Radcliffe 70th Anniversary Fund will be given Sunday at 8:30 p.m., under the direction of Daniel Pinkham.

Performing will be Miss Nancy Trickey, soprano; Miss Eunice Alberts, contralto; Robert Brink, violin; Eleftherios Eleftherakis, viola; William Waterhouse, violin; Miss Hannah Sherman, violoncello; and Pinkham, harpsichord.

Mis Atherton '51, Barhara Bestley, '50, Gay Elliot '51, Helen Guild '52, Sylvia Rico '50 and Cynthia Wales '52 will usher Sunday evening.

The Radcliffe Choral Society and the Harvard Glee Club will give the concert November 21, and the Juilliard String Quartet will play for the last concert in the series, December 12.
