John Parker, Labor Member of Parliament and vice-chairman of the Fabian Society, will speak on "British Labor In Power" tonight at 8 p.m. in the Eliot Junior Common Room. The talk is under the sponsorship of the society For Industrial Democracy.
Parker is an Oxford graduate, author of "Labor Marches On" and other books on problems of government. He has been interested in labor since his college days, and spent several years doing social work in British Industrial centers.
Fabian Secretary
Interest in social problems and experience in the labor field led to his appointment as general secretary of the Fabian Society in 1935, and to designation as the executive committee of England's growing Labor Party in 1943-44.
Parker was instrumental in organizing and setting up the program of the Labor Party for the election campaigns of 1945. During this campaign, he was elected to Parliament by one of the largest majorities received by any candidate.
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