Roscoe Pound, dean of the Law School from 1916 to 1936, is the subject of a new biography by a former student of his, Paul L. Sayre '16, professor of law at the University of Iowa.
Sunday's New York Times recommended "The Life of Roscoe Pound" to "former Pound students in particular and to lawyers everywhere for the irrepressible intellectual vigor of the life portrayed."
A Jurisprudent
The Times said "it is as a jurisprudent rather than a teacher that Pound is destined to leave his stamp on the law." Pound was the originator of the "theory of social interests" in legal parlance.
Under Pound's leadership, the Law School grew from 791 students to a peak of 1,440 students in 1925. His major contributions to the School were a faculty that was national rather than Eastern and the "sociological approach" in the teaching of law.
Pound is now working at the request of the Nanking government on a plan to reorganize the Chinese legal system.
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