
All-NE Soccer Team Places 3 Varsity Men

Three varsity soccer players got berths yesterday on the All-New England Soccer Team. They are Captain Phil Potter, Charlie Weiss, and Hans Estin.

The players, who helped rank Harvard second in the Ivy League standings, were voted positions on the team at a meeting of New England coaches. High-scoring players like Don Louria and Whoop Batchelder did not make the champion team.

Played Forwards

All three men, playing as forwards, were outstanding in making Bruce Munre's first season successful. Potter, last year's high scorer, was the team's key attack man because of his passing, while Estin took credit this year for scoring the most goals. Sophomore Charlie Weiss's outstanding dribbling put him on this year's team.

The soccer coaches' meeting also agreed to ask the national rules committee to change the game rules and allow free substitution.
