
Sex Remains in Amphitryon Despite Socialite's Demand

"A prominent Boston society woman" has refused to buy tickets for the Dramatic Club's forthcoming production of "Amphitryon 38" unless certain sexy lines, which she considers too risque for her two daughters and herself, are deleted.

The HDC has declined to reveal the identity of the woman, but declared it has refused to submit to censorship.

Objectionable lines, the Dramatic Club said yesterday are:

" ... you must undress her--then you must dress her again. It's a full-time job."

"The difficulty with these virtuous wives is not to seduce them--but to persuade them to be seduced confidentially."


The patroness order and check have been returned, Dramatic Club officials have said. This is the first time in HDC's history that an order has been refused.

Sex Snafus Frequent

Dramatic Club productions have run smack into sex on other occasions. In the fall of 1946, nation-wide ballyhoo proclaimed that the HDC's production of "Adam the Creator" would be adorned by an Eve dressed only in three scanty fig leaves. Location was unspecified.

"Amphitryon 38," which is adapted from a farce by Jean Giradoux, reveals the philanderings of Jupiter, the master of the gods, who woos and conquers Alkmena, the wife of Amphitryon, the famous Theban general.

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