
Return of Henry Will Aid Football Picture Next Fall

Art Valpey, who seemed destined to spend a lot of sleepless nights between now and next September trying to find a man to replace quarterback Bill Henry, won't have to worry--at least about that position.

Henry said yesterday he intends to return next year. "I'm pretty sure I'll be coming back," he predicted. "Valpey has done a tremendous job and the team should go pretty well next fall."

By continuing under his accelerated academic program, the 23-year old signal-caller from Worcester could graduate in June. But with enough eligibility time left for another season of football, he has decided to help mix Valpey's black magic for another year.

Simultaneously, tailback Chuck Roche has indicated he plans to go to summer school in order to graduate in August. Although Roche would be a great help next fall with his running, passing, and kicking, his loss would probably not hurt the Crimson so much as Henry's. Valpey has severed good tailbacks, but no offensive quarterbacks like Henry.
