The annual wave of post-season honors for football players has begun again, and in the first day's total, Howle Houston, Emil Drvaric, and Nick Rodis were named to All-squads.
The All-New England team picked by United Press sports writers listed Crimson lineman Houston as a first string tackle. Howle acted as a running guard on offense and as left tackle on defense for all 1948 games.
At the weekly coaches' luncheon in Dinty Moore's downtown emporium, Valpay called Houston, "as good a tackle as there is in the East" in his final talk to local sportswriters.
Harvard's kickoff-and-extra-point artist Drvaric, and defensive guard Nick Rodis, were asked to join the All-North football team that plays an All-South squad in Montgomery, Alabama, on Christmas Day. Both men are Seniors. Other men named to the All-North squad included Dartmouth's Jonathan Jenkins and Joe Sullivan, Columbia's Jack Nork, and Holy Cross' Veto Kissell.
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