
Council Approves Joint Exams, Names '51 Slate

Sophomores Will Get Class Committee

The Class of 1951 will elect the first sophomore class committee in College history, the Student Council announced last night, as it released a preliminary list of nominations.

Last spring the Council prescribed both this balloting and another election for a 1950 committee. At this time it passed a report by its Special Committee on Class Affairs, calling for both junior and sophomore committees to keep classes united until the senior year.

In order to get on the '51 slate, a candidate not already named must get 20 sophomore signatures on a petition. He must hand the petition to the nominating committee members living in his House or hall by next Tuesday.

The Slate

The '51 nominees are: C. D. Bottenfield, F. M. Flalkow, T. W. Grossman, R. P. Monslage, P. H. Ode, A. W. Pleus, M. T. Rabkin, A. Sweetser, R. E. Tomasello, B. M. Walls, and J. Watkins.


Members of the nominating committee, who are also automatic nominees, are: E. Barrett, Jr., Kirkland; A. Becker, Adams; G. B. Graham, Eliot; R. Grow, Lowell; T. Hazel, Wigglesworth; G. M. Lovejoy, Jr., Leverett; D. M. Maynard, Jr., Dudley; L. Solomon, Dunster; and Bruce La Sala, Winthrop.
