
Radcliffe Votes Down Joint Exams, 581 to 59

Radcliffe upperclassmen lined up ten to one against joint examinations and all but three percent upheld the success of the Annex examination honor system in last week's Student Government poll, Joan Projansky '49, president of the Association, announced last night.

Seniors, juniors, and sophomores cast 581 ballots against and 59 for combined mid-years and finals. They voted 621 ayes to 19 nos, on the second question of the poll--whether or not the Radhonor system (no proctors) works effectively in examinations.

Results of the poll will be tabulated by class this week and will be incorporated in the student report on joint examinations now being compiled by Joan Braverman '50 and an undergraduate committee. The report will be submitted to President W. K. Jordan on December 3 and he will hand it on to University and Radcliffe officials.

Loss of the five-year-old honor system in exams was the chief reason for balloting against joint finals," Miss Projansky said. One voter wrote on her questionnaire. "Joint exams would take away the most concrete aspects of the honor system, and leave us only the theory.'

Those who voted for combined exams cited "increased administrative efficiency,"
