
Memorial Plaque Up for Final Vote

Harvard Clubs Meet Today

A $70,000 inscription in Memorial Church may become the University's war memorial today, when the executive board of the Associated Harvard Clubs meets in Boston.

If the board accepts the Saltonstall Committee plaque proposal, the decision will be final. The only other group whose approval is required, the Alumni Association, gave the nod to the plan on October 16.

Strong pressure will be put on the Harvard Clubs to shelve the Saltonstall plan and conduct an all-alumni vote. Shortly before the board gathers at around 2 p.m., the Alumni Committee for a University Memorial Activities Center will present hundreds of post cards received in answer to a brochure.

The cards gave alumni a chance either to approve the plaque plan or ask for a balloting. Although the Alumni Committee last night would not announce the results, it was learned that a large number of alumni have asked for a vote.

The American Veterans Committee, the Alumni Bulletin, and the Student Council have also urged a poll.


Discussion to Be Last

The memorial issue will come up late in the afternoon at the tail end of a crowded agenda. Senator Leverett Saltonstall '14 will formally present his committee's report, and the discussion will begin.

Attitudes of most board members was not known last night. They are arriving in Boston today from all over the country, and how they vote this afternoon is expected to depend largely on the sentiments of local Harvard Clubs.

Most of the groups backing the alumni ballot have also come out for a $1,500,000 Memorial Activities Center linked with Memorial Hall. These organizations, which include a majority of College groups, feel that a poll will show little support for the plaque proposal.
