
Yale Game Multitude Clogs Hotels, Restaurants, Theaters

People who love crowds are going to be in their element this weekend. Sellouts are the rule all over Boston and Cambridge, as proprietors from Bill Bingham down to the Greek on the corner prepare to welcome 57,000 crazy football fans.

Hotel rooms are about as rare as football tickets--and almost as expensive for black-market buyers. Leading hotels have been totally sold out for several months.

Eating place that take reservations report close to capacity crowds on the advance booking alone. At the Locke-Ober Cafe applications for the Saturday evening meal began to roll in six weeks ago, and all tables were taken ten days ago. The Oxford Grille, which accepts only early dinner reservations, sold its last seat some time ago.

Theaters Jammed

Restaurants, like Durgin-Park, that handle customers on a the-harder-you-push-the-sooner-you-eat basis, have been deluged with applications for tables which they have had to refuse.


Movie houses and theaters in the metropolitan area also foresaw monster weekend crowds, with several sellout houses in the offing for leading plays.

Notable among the exceptions to the general crush, was the U-Drive-It Co. Contacted last night, the Cambridge branch office said that there were still quite a few cars available for rental.

Florists around the Square were gleefully laying in huge stocks of flowers in anticipation of the usual corsage trade.

Openings for Transportation

On the transportation front, all is not so hectic. The New Haven Railroad expects a considered multitude on its Friday and Saturday trains but will add no special sections. Sunday will be a little tighter,. but there will be no problem in getting moved by rail.

Planes for the Sunday exodus are pretty well packed. American Airlines reports sellouts on all non-stop flights from 3 to 10 p.m., with only short range flights open. Eastern Airlines has only a very few seats on the 3:30 and 8:30 p.m. lifts, but Northeast has a few vacancies on all flights.

Bus companies operate on a flexible basis, putting on more units when necessary, so seats should always be available.
