
Soccer Team Faces Tech Today; Varsity Starting to Build Fire

Bookmakers Now Put Crimson Favorite


That was the rallying cry chalked up on every blackboard in Dillon Field House yesterday as the varsity set itself for what has always been the payoff week in Harvard football.

"We'll continue to work hard this week," Coach Valpey explained yesterday, "just the way we have for every game this year, but naturally we have saved a few surprises for Yale."

Contact Begins Today

Yesterday's practice followed the usual Monday afternoon pattern: calisthenics, signal drills, non-contact work against the blocking dummies, and finally movies of the Brown game in the Dillon lounge. "We'll have a full-scale contact scrimmage tomorrow," Valpey announced yesterday.


He was particularly impressed with the performances turned in aSturday by Chip Gannon and Red Hill, the acting game captain. "They played mostly on defense against Brown," Valpey pointed out, "and they were the holler guys, the ones who really kept the team fired up."

Fit Condition

As for Saturday's big game, the Crimson is in solid physical condition, with the exception of Captain Kenny O'Donnell and tackle Doug Bradlee, who will go onto the field for only one play, just long enough to get their H's.

The early betting odds, which generally fluctuate considerably before game time, give Harvard a 6 1/2 point bulge over the Elis.
