
Winter Sports Commence This Week

Program Open to All Students

The winter sports program opens the week, Norman W. Fradd, assistant director of physical training, announced yesterday. Facilities for the 11 cold weather sports are now available on the usual optional basis to upperclassmen and graduate students; freshmen, who are winding up their first introduction to the College's athletic program must shift from fall to winter sports by Saturday.

While several Varsity and Freshman squads finish their fall scheduling, the move into the great indoors will spread a wide variety of sports before non-team members.


Cold weather activity goes much furthur than hockey, basketball, and track. The University boxing tournament in March will cap an all-winter sports program under the direction of Henry Lamar and Tommy Rawson, while many other activities such as volleyball, swimming, squash, fencing, and crew are open to all students.

Special exercise classes and calisthenics periods allow men to fulfill requirements in a more unorganized fashion.


List of Activities

The complete list of activities open to individuals is as follows: basketball, boxing, conditioning, crew special exercise, squash, swimming, track and field, volleyball, and wrestling. Hockey is not included because the University has only the Boston Arena ice, barely sufficient for Varsity and Freshman teams.

House leagues will open after the Yale weekend when the final football games with the Yale colleges have been played.
