The Freshman football squad serves up the local gridiron entertainment this afternoon at the Stadium, where Andover will be on hand for the game that traditionally opens Yardling grid seasons.
As in former seasons, the Freshmen enter the game completely untried and untested, and with little more than a week of actual practice as a unit behind them. Even though the '51 Yardlings trounced Andover by four touchdowns, the prep school boys have the big benefit of actual experience as a team, and thus nobody will be able to guess which way the ball will bounce come game time, 2:30 p.m.
Andover Looks Strong
The Andover squad looks strong, thanks to its 20-14 victory over the Yale freshmen last week. But if the Crimson yearlings can somehow get their game-legs quickly, a repetition of last season's one sided affair may well occur.
Coach Henry Lamar's first team, "by no means definite," is packed with players who have prep or high school experience at varying levels. Yet none of them can classify as stars until they have their chance to perform today.
Team Lineup
The starters are: Cy Bunce, Pete Brooke, ends; Bill Hollbrook, Fred Raverby, tackles; Bob Moulla, Butch Gordon, guards; Bill Frothingham, center; Carroll Lowernstein or Dusty Burke, quarterback; Warren Wylie, Charles Waish, halfbacks; Tom Ossman or Bob Ray, fullback.
This game will mark the first in many a year that there is no Andover alumnus in the Crimson lineup, and, therefore the '52 game captain won't be picked until just before the game. Ordinarily Coach. Lamar selects an ex-Andover player for his field leader in the opener.
"B" Team
The Yardling "B" team got off to a head start today, playing Rivers Country Day School, but perhaps they shouldn't have, for they dropped an 18-0 decision and got drenched in the process.
In a pouring rain in which there were as many fumbles as Carter makes pills, the "B" team was outrun and outkicked by Bill Jennings, Rivers back, who also seemed to intercept every throw the Yardlings tried. Crimson quarterback Bob Thompson did his best punting and running, but it wasn't enough.
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