
They'e True to Truman...

Democratic campaigning in the University will get under way tonight at the first fall meeting of Students for Truman in the Union upper common room at 8:15 p.m.

Featured speaker stating "The Case for Harry" will be Associate Professor Samuel H. Beer, said spokesmen Edward Burke '50 and Patrick D. Dailey '49 yesterday. Student speakers who have accepted invitations to explain briefly their reasons for supporting the Chief Executive include Robert L. Fischelis '50, Selig S. Harrison '48, Frederic D. Houghtelling '50, and Philip Bahn '49.

Burke and Dailey announced that they had obtained movies of the summer's Democratic National Convention from Pathe News and would show them at the meeting.

Distribution of Truman buttons and planning for "the home stretch push" head the business portion of the agenda, Burke added.

The Truman Club was one of the last to be organized in the spring of this political year but the nearness of the election has spurred it to action.
