
HYRC Cannot Agree on Who Are University's Communist Organs

A remark about "two Communist organizations" at the University dropped at last night's Young Republican Club meeting in Emerson D, quickly apawned confusion among the speakers as to just what those organizations were.

Frederick, Ayer, Jr. '37, State GOP Finance Committee member who made the statement, later told a reporter that he referred to the Committee for Wallace and the Harvard Youth for Democracy.

But Charles R. McWherier 3L, president of the HYRC, said he interpreted the remark to mean the HYD and the John Reed Society. "The Wallacites not Communist," McWhorter said.

Ayer was one of two featured speakers who appeared before an audience of 50 persons. Early in his speech he deplored the fact that "there are three Communist organizations and only one Republican group" in the College.

He then turned to McWhorier for confirmation of the figure, McWhorier said. "Only two," and Ayer corrected himself.


Interviewed after the meeting, the two speakers disagreed as to whether the Committee for Wallace stood under the two-part stigma. Ayer insisted Communists have made inroads into the HYD and the Wallacites.

During his speech, Ayer said, "Having a 'few' Communists in the governement or in citizen groups is like being 'a little bit' pregnant - there's no such thing."
