
Committee Slams Plaque Plan, Requests Alumni Poll

Saltonstall Report Is Termed Inadequate

Sharp disapproval of the $60,000 World War II memorial plaque recommended Saturday by the Saltonstall Committee was registered last night by the Alumni Committee for a University Activities Center.

"The alumni body is owed an explanation of the factors which require the limiting of Harvard's war memorial to a gesture," the Alumni Committee, which has been pushing for a utilitarian memorial since January, declared in a formal statement.

Released by the Committee's executive group, the statement said the Committee would request the Harvard Alumni Association and the Associated Harvard Clubs to ask their members whether they want a plaque or a student activities center as a memorial to the University's World War II dead.

Poll Plan Offered

The plan for a poll of alumni, first advanced in December by the Alumni Bulletin, will be presented to the directors of the Alumni Association and the executive board of the Associated Harvard Clubs October 16. Balloting, if approved, would be in the spring.


Recommendations for the plaque, which would be erected in Memorial Church if accepted, would also be formally presented to the two alumni groups at that time.

Final approval of a memorial rests with the two organizations, which jointly founded the Saltonstall Committee.

Terming the plaque proposal of the Saltonstall group "totally unsatisfactory," the Alumni Committee advocating the activities center declared in its statement. "The Saltonstall Committee has attempted to resolve conflicting proposals by compromise: a plan which--intended to offend few--will please fewer."

Ask Further Explanation

"We believe," the statement read, "that the Committee's decision has been dictated by financial considerations which are not adequately explained in their report. . . ."

The committee added that the Saltonstall group "has failed to estimate the support for the Memorial Activities Center which our committee has received from alumni throughout the country."

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