
Kickoff Council Meets at Annex This Afternoon

Radcliffe's 22-girl Student Council and several Annex undergraduate officers will meet today in the Student Government Room. Longfollow Hall, for the first Council session of the year.

Appointment of three new committee chairman tops today's agenda. Heads of the Alumuse fund, dormitory commuter, and song contest committees--the last in preparation for the annual song competition that will be staged on the Annex Quadrangle this fall--will be named this afternoon.

Absence at Mass Meetings

Also up for discussion are 'Cliffe attendance and absence at Student Government mass meetings. Radcliffe meetings, hold twice a year for the whole college and for dormitory students two or three times a term, have so far been compulsory. The Council may drop the compulsory rule, or it may devise a substitute.

Joan Projansky '49, president of Student Government, will announce the Council's new system of restricting charge account privileges to approved Council members, who will be equipped with special identification cards.


Council meetings are open to all Annex undergraduates.
