
Crime Gets The Ball Rolling Tonight

Busy Board Open

The CRIMSON is a big business and gives valuable business training.

Over $75,000 passes through the CRIMSON fills annually. The Business Board offers management and sales experience on a scale seldom available to undergraduates.

The Business Board competition that opens tonight is open to all Sophomores and Juniors. Candidates will receive a thorough training in selling, publishing, and promotion. They will become a respected part of the prosperous Harvard Square business community.

The CRIMSON is not only a big business but it is a profitable one. The salaries of business editors are a large from on the Crime's annual budget.

Drop in at 14 Plympton St. tonight at 7:30 if you are interested in business or sales experience. Competent business editors will be on hand to talk over what the CRIMSON has to offer.
