A handful of literary Freshmen--30 from Harvard and six from Radcliffe--got a head start this week on the other 1500 members of the Harvard-Annex Classes of '52 by passing their English A Anticipatory exams.
Professor Theodore Morrison '23 at Harvard and Dean Mildred P. Sherman at the Annex told the lucky few at both colleges yesterday. Though more than half of each Freshmen class turned in essays after the one-hour exam, only a handful of the eligibles got the green light to go on to advanced English courses.
No credit for passing English A will be allotted to the 36 authors, who can still take the biggest course in the college if they choose.
Exemptees at the Annex include Susan Anderson, Martha Ford, Ellinor Robinson, Helen Steckmost, Dorothy Tobkin, and Mary Ella Towle.
Excused at Harvard were Harry C. Allen, Chester A. Alper, Hugh Amory, Herbert Barry III, Patrick J. Bratton, Richard C. Carroll, Andrew Daland, David M. Dauson, John DeCuevas, Joseph F. Doherty, Daniel Ellsberg, Hamilton Emmons, Harvey F. Fireside, Gerald M. Freed, and David J. Hanson.
Also Anatole Holt, Gerard C. Iarrelli, Paul Kaufman, Donald Kennedy, Jerrold B. Lanes, David Lattimore, John C. MacDonald, Christopher Martin, Irvan T. O'Connell, Charles C. Carbone, Hewitt Panteleoni, John S. Pearson, Jr., Charles C. Poor III; Isaac Thomas, Jr., and David F. Williams.
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