The British Broadcasting Corporation, the French Broadcasting System, and The New York Times are the partners in a new weekly news summary beginning at midnight tonight over WHRV.
The broadcast will be specially recorded in Europe and will be made up on Saturdays for presentation here the following Monday, Jack MacNider said '50 of the network staff said yesterday.
New England Exclusive
Though the contract is not exclusive, MacNider said, WHRV is the only station in New England which will broadcast the summaries. They will supplement and not replace the Network's regular Associated Press coverage, he continued.
The programs arranged by George A. Vicas, David Bauman, and Theodore L. Stoddard, Jr., all '50, after consultation with foreign officials, will be 15 minutes long, and, according to MacNider, will, "for the first time, supply Harvard men with a truly international news summary."
"Listeners", he continued, "will have an opportunity to compare the views of foreign agencies, and can, therefore, evaluate the news and arrive at a more objective viewpoint than has heretofore been possible."
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