
Conant Wins Roosevelt Medal for War Work

President Conant will receive one of the 1948 Theodore Roosevelt medals of honor for distinguished service in science, the Roosevelt Memorial Association announced last night.

He will share the annual award with Millicent Carey Melntosh, Dean of Barnard College, and Chairman Arthur H. Vandenberg of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

In announcing the award, the Association praised Conant for helping science meet wartime needs.

Persistence Praised

"Throughout the war, he carried the major responsibility for the organization of the nation's civilian scientific effort in the development of new weapons, exercising absolute dictatorial power over men and materials in the two billion dollar research program which developed radar, new devices in the field of chemical warfare, and, finally, nuclear physics," the citation reads.


"It was Dr. Conant's faith and persistency 'when others faltered, his determination that American science must not fail in a field in which German science might succeed, that carried the project through periods of apparent defeat to the ultimate triumph."
