
Law School Plans to Raise $2,500,000 from Graduates

Law School alumni will be asked to provide $2,500,000 to meet building and academic needs of the institution, Dean Erwin N. Griswold of the Law School announced yesterday.

He also announced that John B. Marsh '08, of New York City, will serve as national chairman of the Harvard Law School Fund, the organization which will try to raise the $2,500,000 during the early early part of 1949.

In announcing the campaign, Dean Griswold listed as its objectives "comfortable living quarters to free students from dependence on expensive, over-crowded, and deteriorating Cambridge rooming houses; increased scholarship funds to offset increased tuition fees; teaching fellows to aid in providing more group and individual student work; funds to facilitate individual Faculty research and to make possible staff investigations of important large-scale problems; and funds to relieve student tuitions from having to bear the whole burden which increased costs are casting on the Law Library.
