
British Educator Visits University, To Speak Thrice

Sidney II. Wood of the British Ministry of Education will deliver three public lectures during a three-day visit to the University this week, Francis Keppel, dean of the School of Education, announced Saturday.

Wood has been Principal Private Secretary to three Ministers of Education in Great Britain. For eight years, he headed the Ministry's department of intelligence and foreign relations.

Main Lecture Wednesday

The main lecture, "The History of Education in England: the Integration of Voluntary and Statutory Bodies: the Influence of the Industrial Revolution," will be given at 8 p.m. Wednesday in Emerson D.

Wood will also speak at 3 p.m. tomorrow and Thursday in the Littauer Auditorium.


As head of the Teachers' Training Division of the Ministry from 1938 to 1945, he was secretary of the McNair Committee on the Training of Teachers and drafted its 1944 report.
