
Sage of the East Says Lou Little Too Late

"Karas your rabbit's foot and Lockwood," quots the venerable sage of the age.

"All right, Olson," jibed his youthful neophyte. "The Davis at hand. What d'ya Shafer a prediction?"

"I'll give you the Ward and Rait the teams," retorted the inscrutable Oriental. "That Lion team is pretty Chaky, Becauskas their line is Kusserow of guys."

His beardless apprentice laughed. "But what of the Ressa of the team? They can Russel plenty good backs."

"That is why I don't feel I'm Malone when I say that Columbia will only lose by a Little."


The big red will Straka hefty blow. Hawkins someone go very wrong if he ventures to forsee. Harvard 27  Columbia 26
